1. The Master, Paul Thomas Anderson

2. Zero Dark Thirty, Kathryn Bigelow

3. Killer Joe, William Friedkin

4. Moonrise Kingdom, Wes Anderson

5. Prometheus, Ridley Scott

6. This Is Not A Film, Jafar Panhai

7. Rust And Bone, Jacques Audiard

7. Le Gamin Au Velo, Luc and Pierre Dardenne

8. The Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan

9. Looper, Rian Johnson

10. Once Upon A Time In Anatolia, Nuri Bilge Ceylan

11. Compliance, Craig Zobel

12. Brave, Mark Andrews

13. 21 Jump Street, Phil Lord

14. The Sessions, Ben Lewin

15. Seven Psychopaths, Martin Mcdonaugh

16. Skyfall, Sam Mendes

17. Jack Reacher, Christopher McQuarrie

18. In Darkness, Agnieska Holland

19. Haywire, Steven Soderbergh

20. Lincoln, Steven Spielberg

21. Premium Rush, David Koepp

22. Life Of Pi, Ang Lee

23. Miss Bala, Gerardo Naranjo

24. Les Intouchables, Olivier Nakache

25. Cabin In The Woods, Drew Goddard

26. The Woman In Black, James Watkins

27. Bernie, Richard Linklater

28. Get The Gringo, Adrian Grunberg

29. Killing Them Softly, Andrew Dominik

30. Chronicle, Josh Trank